Acanthosis Nigricans
acanthosis nigricans treatment in Delhi
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Best Acanthosis Nigricans Treatment in Delhi

Having dark & velvety skin in the folds of the body?

Acanthosis nigricans is a skin condition wherein the body creases become thick and discolored, i.e., darker than the normal skin color. The epidermal skin cells multiply rapidly in specific body folds. Usually, skin shows gradual hyperpigmentation, change in its texture, and thickness. The common areas of its occurrence are the backside of the neck, groin, knuckles, armpits, knees and elbows. In some cases, a person will also feel discomfort due to itching and bad odor.


What leads to acanthosis nigricans?
Mostly this skin problem is found in obese, overweight, and diabetic individuals (type 2 diabetes with in-su-lin resistance). Thyroid, PCOD, lack of exercise can cause in-sul-in resistance and cause a rise of in-sul-in like growth factor and cause proliferation of skin cells. This causes skin darkness and changes in texture, and the skin becomes thick and velvety.


Some other aggravating factors can be

  • Lifestyle related issues like diabetes, cholesterol, PCOD etc.
  • Certain medications, supplements and Hormonal Imbalance such as high dosage of oral birth control pills, niacin, and some corticosteroids. Growth hormone therapy and protease inhibitors are also offending the skin.Hormonal imbalance can also happen when a person is having a problem with the adrenal gland (such as Cushing’s Syndrome), the thyroid gland is not functioning actively (like hypothyroidism), or there is cysts formation in the ovary. 
  • Tumor or cancer development (rare)- Sometimes lymphoma is accompanied by acanthosis nigricans. The onset of tumor formation in internal organs such as liver, colon, or stomach cancer can also be one of the causes.
  • Some people also have chances of experiencing this skin condition because it runs in their family history. It is an autosomal dominant trait that is caused when fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 becomes mutated.
  • Autoimmune disorders such as Sjogren’s syndrome, Hashimoto thyroiditis, Scleroderma, or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus are also associated with Acanthosis nigricans.
acanthosis nigricans treatment in Delhi

What is the best acanthosis nigricans treatment in Delhi?

Acanthosis nigricans can be managed or prevented from development. A healthy lifestyle is important to get relief from any illness. If the underlying cause is understood to be obesity or in-su-lin resistance, then treatment of these two roots of the problems can help in the fading of this skin problem. Symptoms can be minimized in patients by controlling the blood glucose levels and losing weight through diet and exercises. In the case of a tumor, its elimination by surgery will also remove the malignant form of this skin condition. Oral contraceptives or any other medications that favor this skin problem shall be discontinued.

Some cosmetic methods to remove pigmentation and enhance skin appearance are

  • Skin lighteners or chemical peels- such as retinol peel that contains Tretinoin to exfoliate the skin deeply; salicylic acid, glycolic acid, TCA, alpha-hydroxy acids, and urea (20%) are very much effective in treating this condition.
  • Q-switched laser- It makes use of an intensified and pulsed beam of light to lighten the skin pigmentation without any invasion to the skin. The laser breaks the excess pigmentation and removes the dark velvety appearance.
  • Dermabrasion- A rotating device is used to resurface the skin by removing the epidermal layers. The treatment removes dark pigmentation and makes the skin look brighter.
  • Acanthosis nigricans lesions can also be improved by using the prescribed medications (keratolytic), for example, Urea, Tretinoin, Glycolic acid and lactic acid based creams andVitamin D analogs.

Easy tips from a skin specialist in Delhi to manage Acanthosis nigricans

  • Managing a healthy lifestyle and losing weight can also help manage in-su-lin levels and prevent the formation of dark pigmented patches.
  • Consult a qualified and experienced dermatologist as they will rule out the main reason Acanthosis nigricans such as in-su-lin, thyroid, and PCOS.

Dr. Nivedita Dadu is the best Acanthosis nigricans doctor in Delhi,Vasant Vihar and cures the condition by ruling out the causative factor of the disease.

Visit Dadu Medical Centre for the best treatment of Acanthosis nigricans in Delhi,Vasant Vihar.

Acanthosis Nigricans Before & After
Acanthosis NigricansAcanthosis Nigricans
Acanthosis NigricansAcanthosis Nigricans
Clinic timings (By Appointment Only)
Monday to Saturday : 9:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Sunday : 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Timings for Consultation
(Dr. Nivedita Dadu)
Vasant Vihar: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday - 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Rajouri Garden: Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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