Dry and cracked heels are mostly caused by a lack of moisture on our heels, thus resulting in dry and cracked skin. Prolonged standing and environmental factors such as extreme cold weather, and indoor heating too cause dry and cracked heels.
We offer a hydrating treatment for dry cracked heels. We use a unique mousse-based formula full of Urea and evening primrose oil, which adds moisture to the skin and further improves skin texture.
Calluses and rough skin are caused due to repeated friction from shoes or excessive walking. DMC BFF, cures calluses, through an exfoliation treatment by advanced formula enriched with urea and other exfoliating agents. It gently removes dead skin and smooths rough patches. Apart from this, DMC BFF also helps in retaining moisture and offers soft and supple feet. For more details on dry, cracked heels or calluses treatment in Delhi get in touch with the experts at Dadu Medical Centre.
Peeling skin and itchy feet are often caused by fungal infections and sometimes also due to allergic reactions from certain products or materials. DMC BFF offers a perfect solution for this as well. We have an Antimicrobial treatment, which has a proprietary formulation containing Spir-aleen®. It offers effective relief from itchy and peeling skin and combats fungal infections.
Hyperhidrosis, or sweaty feet leads to foot odour and discomfort in our day-to-day life. In DMC BFF we also have a solution for this problem, through a formula that includes natural astringents like oak, bark, and sage, which decrease perspiration and have antimicrobial properties. This treatment also neutralises odour and keeps feet fresh throughout.
Apart from all these concerns, fatigued feet, legs, and unsightly toenails are also cured through DMC BFF. For foot care and sweaty feet treatment in Delhi make a visit with the foot care experts doctors at Dadu Medical Centre.
Book your appointment today and step into a world of advanced Foot Disorders treatment in Delhi to receive the best foot care visit Dadu Medical Centre.